The trend growth of the industry in the market is booming, with sustained growth of jobs each year. One reason for the upward trend is the assignment of rights and duties by the public order in private security service companies as well as the need to install modern security systems.

The E.O.A. battling to improve the economic and social presence of I.E.P.Y.A. In order to shield the industry by improving the overall legal and institutional framework of services (which sometimes affected by "opportunistic" motivation of some enterprises).

The aim of the Federation is the claim, preservation, study and promotion of common economic and professional interests of its members in the service of society. In particular, the Federation aims:

1. The cultivation, aiding, development and dissemination of the spirit of trade unionism in the sector of the security services, ie. The undertakings which have as their activity the provision of security services of Law. 2518/97, as amended and supplemented by Law no. 3707 / 08, by making the participation of all the primary trade unions and through them to the corresponding secondary and tertiary trade union.

2. The systematic study of the problems facing the sector is the most appropriate for collective claims and resolve them.

3. The promotion, encouraging and supporting the establishment and operation of enterprises engaged in manned security services and Security technology and encourage cooperation between the business sector with universities and technological institutes.

4. Develop a spirit of solidarity and mutual aid among members and ensure conditions for improving the training and growth of the cultural and educational level of these.

5. To protect and safeguard intellectual and industrial property rights over the products of its members.

6. To represent its members before any authority, public or private.

7. To represent in the context of the law, its members in collective bargaining and signing collective agreements with relevant organizations of industry employees.

8. In general to take any action that can help to strengthen relations of union members and to promote its social objective


Institutional framework and authorization


History of Security

The history of private security starts from the 19th century.