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EOA Goals

Cultivation, aiding, development and dissemination of the spirit of trade unionism in the field of security services

Systematic Research

Systematic research of the problems facing the sector is the most appropriate for collective claims and resolve them.

Support and Rights

Protect and safeguard intellectual and industrial property rights over the products of its members EOA

Representation EOA

EOA represents its members at any authority or public or private.

Διευκρινιστικό ερώτημα προς το Αρχηγείο της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας (συνημμένο αρχείο ερώτημα προς τον κλάδο ασφαλείας PDF) σχετικά με το άρθρο 1 του ν 3707/2008 περίπτωση θ  που εστάλη την 16/10/2019 από την Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Ασφαλείας. 

Συνημμένη η απάντηση του Αρχηγείου που λάβαμε την 8/11/2019. (Υπογεγραμμένο ακριβές αντίγραφο απάντησης)

Για την Ομοσπονδία

In the greek timeliness the profession of security services exist at all over branches of economic activity. It shows high growth rates, which is confirmed by the very high annual increase corresponding jobs. One of the reasons that so much of the upward, is the assignment of rights and part of the tasks of public policy to private companies providing security services, which offer their services to all most sectors of the economy of private and public sector.



Institutional framework and authorization


History of Security

The history of private security starts from the 19th century.